Tuesday, July 20, 2010

viewing full things

A sweltering time we had while picking apples from the trees where Witt and Claire live, but it was a fine and dandy time too.

Some might call it a glass half-full depending on how you look at it, but due to our assiduous labor our bags soon bulged full of homegrown apples. Then Claire served us full glasses of iced water to refresh us.

Consequently, my kitchen is full of bags and boxes lying around on the floor and counter waiting to be made into apple butter, applesauce, apple bread and apple cake.
My life is jam-packed full of apples at the present.

And speaking of full things, I love my new MacBook Pro laptop, yet like anything new some things must be relearned and plain figured out. Therefore, the look of the text on this post is not what I intended.

Take it half-full.


Leslie said...

Oh, I envy you ALL your apples (macbook included). I would love to smell the apple butter in progress. Yum!

The dB family said...

Yum! I hope you're able to stay cool with all the delicious things going on in your kitchen. Enjoy!


Karen said...

You have a lot of work ahead of you, but rewarding work! I'll bet your kitchen smells divine. :o)

Hill upon Hill said...

I am fascinated by the listography!

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...