Friday, January 22, 2021

a homemaker's nightmare confession

 I believe I might have possibly discovered an adult nightmare equivalent to a child's, but this one is definitely my own personal homemaker's nightmare. It is dust bunnies under the bed! Now I am a huge advocate for hard wood floors. The reason for that is more than two-fold, not only  the ease of cleaning, but equally so is the amount of dust I know for a fact accumulates weekly under the bed and with carpet it would be the same amount of dust, you just do not see it and I guess the mind has the tendency to forget that simple truth. Having  a vacuum cleaner small enough to get under the bed without literally moving the bed is not a easy weekly chore either if you have carpet under your bed. Dust bunnies...eww and yuck!

On Fridays I clean my bedroom. That means I get my *Norwex mop, get down on my knees and eliminate all those dust bunnies under the bed. It takes several sweeps and the cleaning of the mop before I feel as if I have relieved the floor of most of them. 

Thankfully, I am one of those people who can clean and then not think about it until it is time to clean again the next week. So I do not truly have nightmares...but just saying... dust bunnies!

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...