Thursday, June 28, 2012

making it simple; smelling and tasting

I do believe I might just have the best smelling weed/scrub trash can, those big plastic wheely things the city provides, around these parts. The reason being attributed to the recent activity of the gathering, harvesting, and pruning of my herb beds. I have harvested several bunches of organo and sage to dry, then I undertook the cutting back of my lavender plants. Guess where all the extras end up?

Drinking water is a must for ladies on these hot, humid summer days. 
Looking to add a little extra zing this summer, I do believe this combination is my best so far. I throw in a few basil leaves, fill a two quart jar with water and squeeze in a bit of fresh lime juice. All throughout the day I keep refreshed drinking this water until the pitcher is empty. 
 Two quarts daily made simpler.

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...