Friday, February 26, 2010

the music of the piano

Several years back, Jim Brickman's music was introduced to me and I have not stopped being a fan of his since that day. I play his CD's in the car or in my kitchen while I go about my daily duties. His music seems to create fitting scores to go along with the minutes and events of my day.

Consequently, music of other artists playing the piano began to take space in my repertoire of music selections. So when David McClintock came to my church one evening to do a mini concert, I knew I had found yet another means of listening to good piano music. The piano talks when he plays, and I understand the song it is playing. His music includes a variety of hymns and classical music, along with some of his own originals. So lovely.

Here he is playing "Fur Elise" with his added features under a black light. He actually performed this for us that night as part of the concert. Self taught, he plays by ear. I do like his piano playing.

Most mornings while preparing breakfast, I will put on one of his CD's and as the sweetness of "Blessed Assurance" pours forth , Charlotte will do her ballet moves across the floor.

It is all very good!


be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...