Thursday, May 17, 2018

music flow wrapper

She* gave it to me with a blessing. "Take it, knit it up", she insisted as she pressed the pattern into my hand. She assured me she would never knit this wrapper. So with pattern in hand I made a trip to my local yarn shop on a cold day in January and selected the yarn for this unusual one size fits all sweater.
Then I knitted throughout the sometimes snowy, many times windy, usually cold days of late winter, early spring.  As I watched the swirling snowflakes, as I drank hot coffee in coffee shops, and as I sat through many episodes of "Heartland" and "All Creatures Great and Small" at home in the evenings, I knit with a challenging pair of yarns, learning how to do Japanese short rows, and then upon realizing I did not like the look of those short rows with this yarn, I ripped and re-knit, preferring the German short row method instead.
But the day came when le bleu monster of a sweater was completed and blocked, and don't you know, the spring weather turned chilly once again giving full opportunity to wear it a few times before its summer sojourn in the cedar chest.

*Charlotte's wonderful and lovely piano teacher

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...