I truly knew how brief her time with us would be and I was concentrating on what I knew would need to be accomplished in just three weeks time. "No Worries", she states with her two decade plus one confidence.
Even today I refer to them as growing pains, but in actuality I must remind myself to just keep quiet, do not "intentionally" ruffle any feathers. This particular evening she went upstairs and I went outside where I could hear the emotion of the violin helping her to process the forthcoming changes.
With my second and fourth children at home we were able to connect like we have not been able too in many years as Alan has been residing overseas and Charlotte has been in and out depending on the time of year as she has been attending college eight hours away for the past three years. My husband's new car is dubbed by me as the ter__st because any amount of weight on any of the seats causes the most irritating noise involving dings that become louder and louder until you hook your seat belt. Even the water jug was not immune to not being properly seat belted.