Monday, March 30, 2020

my day recorded on Happy Homemaker Monday

To purpose to blog on a more regular basis, I am happy for the inspiration that comes from participating in things such as Sandra's Happy Homemaker Monday. 
When you are a homemaker, Mondays  are not blue or hateful, they are welcomed as a wonderful beginning of a week of homemaking.

🌷The weather...
After two days of temperatures suited more for summer than late March,
          today spring is shouting in all her glory with 75 degrees, sunny with a soft breeze.
Rain is coming tomorrow with cooler temps back into the 50's. 

🌷My morning's feeling...
Back to lightweight robes in the morning, and bare feet. I wanted to open the windows in the kitchen first thing,  but the temps had cooled down during the night so there was still a spring-like chill in the air. 

🌷On the breakfast plate...
   * 1/2 of a grapefruit
   * a slice of buttered sourdough toast
    *1 butter-fried egg

🌷On the reading pile...
     I finished reading One of Ours by Willa Cather. I have yet to read anything by Cather that I have not enjoyed reading. I gave this novel a five-star on Goodreads.
     Daily I read several chapters of The Confession by St. Augustine, and I do believe this particular translation is an excellent one.
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom is our present family read- aloud book. 
And I have just begun reading The Fountain Overflows by Rebecca West.

🌷On TV...
Sadly, the All Creatures Great and Small DVD's came to and end, and while I still hum the music in my mind from time to time, we we are on to the John Adams videos put out by HBO several years back. Reliving a part of our country's history.

🌷This Weeks Menu Plans...
Monday- Meat loaf/potatoes/peas 
Tuesday-Fish with slaw
Wednesday-Chicken/Rice/Broccoli Casserole
Thursday-Pasta dish of some sort
Friday-Homemade Pizza

🌷On my Camera...
I made this gardening apron many years ago and it works great when I am working in the garden. See the plaid binding around the pocket?  It's the simple things!

🌷 Today's Chores...
         *Vacuuming the kitchen
         *Two loads of Laundry, washed, folded and put away

🌷Around the House...
Two things I want to mention here. Firstly, I cut up raw whole chicken for preparing certain dishes.  I remember my mother doing this when I was a child (back in the "olden days" when one did not have the choice of buying chickens any other way but whole). I still buy boneless skinless chicken breasts for some of my meals, however.
And secondly, I do not use paper napkins. I have cloth napkins that we use for every meal. Usually,  the for each person... are good for the day. We just fold them neatly and put them on the back of our chairs.  If company is coming I removed the napkins. They are tossed into the dirty laundry at the end of supper every evening.

🌷In my Potager...
* A few small pansies  planted in the fairy garden
*Weeding some of the beds that are flourishing with chickweed and garlic chives!
*Pulling out the wintering baskets of potted plants
*Turning the compost

          I took a 45 minute walk this morning.

"Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day..."
~Jane Austen

🌷Prayers/ Devotions...
This morning I prayed  a prayer understanding fully He will answer it according to His will, yet He does tell us to ask...Resurrection Sunday is less than two weeks away, and with the social distancing and the closing of  most church gatherings, I am praying specifically that the weather will be wonderfully warm and sunny so we can meet outside with fellow church members that are willing on that day.
My Resurrection Season Reading was about Christ Jesus drinking the full cup of God's wrath that I might drink the full cup of His salvation. 
"O my Father, if this cup cannot pass from me, but that I must drink it, Thy will be done."
Matthew 26:42

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...