Monday, July 2, 2018


I never intend for time to crunch me so tight that I do not manage to post here more often, recording my simple journey as well as reading other blogs. But it does, and sometimes for weeks on end. Back on June 1, I mentioned a family health issue that was at the time keeping us out of town with uncertain and unsettling unknowns. We thank the LORD for His perfect intervention and we know assuredly He is trustworthy in this matter too.

But a family beach trip was on the calendar, so we packed up our bags, left our worries behind, and went expecting the best. It was so much fun being there with Ivy and Rose.

                                                              Fathers Day

                                           Early mornings on the balcony

For years I have quietly slipped out early to walk the beach while the others slept, coming back to brewing coffee and sitting on the balcony with my Bible and journal. But time has made some alterations here too, and I am finding myself okay with these small changes. While I am still the early riser, I brew the coffee first then sit on the balcony with Bible and journal in hand before the long beach walk.  One fine morning Ivy was up early so I took her with me to the beach. We meandered down the beach a bit then sat on the sand wearing our sleeveless dresses and"chatted" as we watched the waves.

be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...