Monday, October 28, 2024

considering all things

Titus 2:1 exhorts us, believers, to speak those things which become sound doctrine. I personally believe those things are in all things. In this space of blog world that I am given I desire to be as the woman in Titus 2, to love and value the things the LORD loves and values pertaining to everything in life. I seldom mention world events though, of course, we are all affected by them, but today I want to share this podcast  for your consideration and I pray you will take the time to listen to it especially if you are a believer and an American citizen. I have mentioned this podcast before and I find these ladies are serious in considering how they can teach women how to go to the scriptures, how we must learn to read the Bible wholly and in context, and  to study the Word carefully and prayfully.

This particular podcast is relevant and urgent for these times. Michelle and Amy do an excellent job in regard to solid Biblical understanding on this matter of a choice to vote for who our next leader will be. They are focused and balanced but not dogmatic. When it is all done and said we can all agree that God is Sovereign over all things.


once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...