Friday, July 18, 2014

looking back

Update and comments on the plan that was laid, especially since Leslie asked.
                                             I really liked how my plan kept me on track.

 In regard to Wednesday's list, I was able to accomplish everything because I basically focused on the list. While I might have been tempted in times past to just put off, or even possibly become sidetracked with something else, instead of pushing through with the completion of my list, on this day I faithfully kept to my plan. Also, the acute realization that there were many tasks and duties not on my composed list that I was able to get done too. 

Extra things not on the list that were accomplished:
* both cats brushed, and nails trimmed
*a blog post was done
*math lesson with Charlotte
*sitting through a violin lesson
*mint gathered to make a tea infusion

I had to share this photo that was snapped on my iphone. This young woman came into our life for a brief time while I was driving Charlotte to ballet class, and she caused a huge smile on both our faces.  I was reminded of Barbie, all pink and girly.

be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...