Thursday, July 15, 2010

blueberry yogurt and other good things

I know it has been mentioned before how much I adore my Cuisinart Ice Cream/Sorbet/Yogurt Maker. But just in case it was forgotten, here is another plug for a very put a smile on your face and satisfaction in your belly kitchen counter appliance.

Pounds of fresh blueberries in my refrigerator had me creating this treat.

Blueberry Yogurt

2 cups vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup whole milk
1/4 cup sugar(or less)
1 pint of blueberries
a dash of ground cinnamon(optional)
1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)

Turn machine on and pour mixture as it is running. After it reaches the desired consistency, you may place it in a container to keep in the freezer.

A little hunk of a 15 month old visited today with his mother, a little upturned mouth to be continually filled with this cool treat would attest to it's goodness if you can not take my word for it.

dumplings and cookies

" We'll all have chicken 'n dumplings when  she comes...." ( 4th stanza , She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountains,  ...