This morning while I was busy in my kitchen, MR. C. came to tune our piano. I continued with the making of a loaf of sourdough Einkorn bread and made a tasty vegetable beef soup; Charlotte sat at the kitchen table doing some of her school work occasionally interspersing questions about a paper she was writing. It was restful hearing the dramatic rising and falling pings of the piano in the next room mixed with gentle choppings and occasional stirrings of the soup while the levain was set with the flour to rise for five hours.
The field of ornithology fascinates me, and my husband is kind to indulge me in allowing the backyard feeding of these creatures year round. Recently I ran across excellent sites, here and here to aid in learning to recognize various bird sounds. As I take my daily walk many times I hear more than I see, therefore it would be extremely helpful to being able to detect several of the birds by their beautiful calls and songs.
(Above photo): During the cold months I will sometimes place sunflower seeds at my kitchen window ledge, then as I am busy at my kitchen sink I am able to enjoy my feathered friend's closer visits.