Wednesday, January 15, 2014

under the weather

"In this life you've got to hope for the best, prepare for the worst and take whatever God sends."    

Lucy Maud Montgomery

I love to find words from books or poems that describe a piece of my life, something I might be experiencing at the present. Lucy Maud Montgomery appears to supply quotes that make one feels as if she is living there right by your side giving such true words of credence.

 For the past few days, I have succumbed to a"under the weather" condition. I do not consider it the flu, but the symptoms certainly bring normal life activities to a slower pace.

I  am drinking plenty of hot teas, some rather nasty tasting medicinal ones, and resting.

And while I am resting, I take up my knitting and join the world of Cranford.

"When sickness hits we should remember that this period of time is part of the whole of life. This is not just a non-time to be shoved aside, but a portion of time that counts. It is part of the well person's life as well as the sick person's life."
What is a Family        
Edith Schaeffer

a chickadee

 I have taken to afternoon walks in the fields along the side of the woodlands. Today I carried along a small pair of binoculars hoping to c...