Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday Notes 2

An entire week later...

Housecleaning Notes:
Since today is a holiday and summer is chorusing its last siren song, my husband and I mustered up just the proper amount of motivation needed to continue with the ongoing window cleaning job. Now, keep in mind this housekeeping chore began Saturday before last, and we still have nine more windows to clean before we can shout, "We're Done!" But the joy we had when we could see the shine on those windows this afternoon as we sat down to have a cold drink was worth all the effort. Oh, I do not want to forget to mention something while I am about my housecleaning notes. Have you ever tried to clean with *Norwex* products? They are superb...just ask my husband...he is a new devotee after using them for cleaning the outside windows.

Baking Notes:
I love desserts. I love baking them and I love eating them. But common sense tells me that no one needs to eat dessert every day. At my house, in theory, that simply means we eat desserts on Sunday. But lately due to company, parties, and end of summer celebrations, dessert is becoming daily. So as soon as the Apple Crisp we baked on Saturday is all gone, we will do better. Enough said.

The crisp was made with the apple pie filling I canned last year. I have made this pie filling for the past two years and it tastes delicious as well as cutting the time it takes to prepare an apple dessert in half.
And please do not forget to serve it with vanilla ice cream!

Beekeeping Notes:

There is this notion that I think I could be an apiarist. But in year's past my reactions to bee stings were not good. And since I am highly allergic to Benedryl, watching my beekeepers at a safe distance seems the most sensible thing to do. I was outside earlier today and I could smell that woodsy smell of smoke from the smoker they use for quieting the bees, so I knew my beekepers were about working.

I hope your Monday was pleasant and you could work, rest, and play. Tomorrow starts a complete new routine, and I am ready.

be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...