Friday, June 30, 2023

green bean canning

 As you can tell from my latest posts gardening occupies much of my time. I do receive satisfying joy being and working in my gardens.  Organic vegetable gardening has been our goal for some time and we are working very hard to make it happen, but we realize at the beginning of the process it does not always produce the prolific abundance we remembered our gardens of past years producing (this was over twenty years ago). It is a definite challenge but an equally definite interest to make our soil fertile  while  maintaining pest control without the use of chemicals. 

Today was not my first green bean picking, but it was the first time I had enough to preserve with canning.

Today hollered summer with the heat and humidity, therefore, keeping hydrated was important as I picked my beans. I carried along a jar of iced water with a spurt of lemon balm tincture which refreshed nicely.
This winter when pressure canning was still a dream, I ordered a new pressure canner since mine was rather old and I felt it needed some attention and might not be as safe as I would prefer. I bought mine here, it holds four quarts at a time which is perfect for my canning needs.
I have never owned or used a canner like this one one and it appeared a bit intimidating at first with the screw lock knobs, but as far as the  steam and weight it works just like my other canner.

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...