Saturday, July 7, 2018

may/june reading challenge and knitting update

Traveling gives great allowance to read and to knit, but sadly I can not do both at the same time. See Middlemarch resting atop of my necessary bag at my feet? Of course, I took it along to the beach to read, but then I must say I also carried a couple of other books to read too, and those were successfully finished. Therefore, the May/June reading challenge is not quite accomplished yet, but almost! I should be done with it within the next week.
As far as my Swan Island Amethyst Sweater is concerned, I continue to knit around and around with this easy to follow pattern...stitch markers are the key. A very pleasant woolly summer knit wherever you may be.

the completion of Middlemarch

It took exactly two months! I began reading Middlemarch on May 7 and finished reading the Finale on July 7. It traveled within my home as I would read it in bed, in the living room, or outside while sitting on the wicker furniture. I also read it in the car waiting for Charlotte, by the pool, and on the beach, not to mention the hours reading while traveling in the car (as a passenger...*smile*).  Note the worn be expected on any book as it is tucked amongst carrying gear. To say I did not sigh with satisfaction as I read the last pages is an understatement. But my satisfaction was two-fold, no make that three-fold.

1. I was satisfied that I had taken the challenge to read the novel.
2. I was satisfied that I had completed the novel.
3. I was satisfied in how much I enjoyed the novel.

I will remember reading this book, and I hope I will revisit certain thoughts from this novel as the summer months linger. It is that kind of book, a true classic. You may read my review on goodreads.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...