Monday, March 8, 2010

A bit of randomness concerning today

The spring-like weather created new ridges in what would have been normally just an ordinary Monday.

I downloaded some pictures onto the computer and there was my lovely daughter at the ball, all dressed up and ladylike

with a bun of rhinestones and wearing pearl earbobs.

I received a phone call from a friend one day last week asking if she could come over Monday morning and see my tea things. She is planning to host a Ladies' Tea in a couple of weeks and wanted to borrow some things that she thought she might need. I loved hearing about her plans for the tea, the foods she would be serving and how she intended to set her tea table.

I brushed the cat outside on the front stoop after lunch. Her soft light undercoat blew away in the gentle breeze as I imagined an expectant robin finding it and carrying it off to weave it into its first nest of the season.

Grabbing a cup of water and a cookie, I sat in the sunshine to give myself a good dose of Vitamin D. A handwritten letter was begun to a dear friend on a note card that included a knitting pattern for a weekend sweater. We enjoy sharing patterns and recipes. She sent me a unique block pattern to knit in her last letter.

Tiny crocuses surprised me as I glanced at their random dispersions throughout the flower beds in my yard. Since their life span is short I forget where they hide dormant during the other months. Their annual surprise never cease to delight anew.

Coming in because the lengthening of the late afternoon shadows hid the sun's warmth and I had become chilled, the letter was finished with my shoulders wrapped in a wool shawl.

Then I observed the sun as it was leaving it mark on random places in my house, on the schoolbooks still resting on the kitchen table.

And giving a rosy glow to the white china sugar pot on the dining room buffet.

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...