Saturday, December 12, 2009


I've always loved the layering of things. Whether it be the everyday clothes I am wearing, dressing for snow play outside, making lasagna or salads, whatever, layering makes complete sense to me and is a process I find gratifying.

I also have a weakness for tiramisu. Therefore, when a dessert was needed to carry to Claire's Christmas party I decided a tiramisu trifle would be just the thing.

This recipe is a combination of many other recipes, I made it my own by incorporating what I think was the best of them all.

Homemade custard with mascarpone cheese,
Ladyfingers dipped in coffee and kahlua, and a topping of whipped cream dusted with a layer of powdered cocoa.

Carried in my arms along the highways and byways in order to arrive safe and sound.

Heavenly Songs

A big red bow adorned her hair, and Rose wore her new spectacles, their very first time to experience the annual performance of Handel's "Messiah" by the Oratorio and Symphony. We stood with the audience as the beginnings of the Halleluiah Chorus started; the sound of the seats, as the people stood, reverberated throughout the auditorium. I love it. Every year I love it the same, but yet even more. And I assured them they would too.

I must say the promised doughnuts added extra sweetness as we continued to enjoy our late night out.

And afterward we rode to see the Christmas lights decorated along the residential streets. There were times I felt as if I was in a canopy of colorful stars all dazzling and bright,

suspended in the heavens.

And He shall reign forever and ever...

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...