Friday, October 31, 2008

Forced Computer Rest

Yes, I love technology....but there are times when I must say I can live without it

.......and I do.

But this time it was a case of forced hiatus. My computer must have caught some kind of horrible virus and suffered a terrible crash. It is presently "in the hospital". While I have missed blogging and reading certain blogs, I also realized that the times of going back to those days of the not so faraway past are over.....I most certainly rely upon this form of technology more than even I would like to admit. Emailing for upcoming horse shows, 4-H events where I am the one in charge of food, prayer news, etc. One must shout," Alexander Graham Bell arise! " Therefore, if my telephone did not ring enough with everyday calls and the recent deluge of political was added all the calls of missed emails!

So hopefully by next week I will have it all taken care stayed tuned. I have had a delightfully splendid week of an afternoon tea at a charming hotel, Christmas ornament making, horse shows......minus the extra phone calls. Thankfully my answering machine is working beautifully!

And the most thanks go to Alan for allowing me to borrow his laptop this afternoon in order to get this post out.

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...