Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What's in a name

Perhaps one might wonder about the title of this blog, Cherith Revisited. The year was 1989 and my eldest son was in the 1st grade. Homeschooling was still in its early stages in my state and my state required a school name to register as a school under the Department of Non-Public Education.The Hebrew meaning of cherith, as in the brook Cherith that Elijah sat beside (I Kings 17:3), means "cutting", as in a covenant. By accepting Jesus' perfect blood sacrifice for my sins I was in covenant with Him already, His new covenant. Homeschooling seemed to be His best at this particular time. I have even thought of its meaning along with the word promise. We opened our homeschool under the name Cherith School which continued to be in operation for thirteen years. Then I placed my two remaining children in private Christian school and Cherith School was officially closed. In the course of that year, I had another baby. In January of 2007, it became obvious that the Lord had homeschooling in His plans for me once again. We opened our school as...... you guessed it...... Cherith School. All the homeschooling joys and trials have been revisited. I am older now and revisiting many aspects of life. But God is so very good and so very covenant and promise keeping.

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...