Monday, August 24, 2015

lessons to learn

This mother of 32 plus years (my eldest son will be 33 in October) began another homeschool year with 12YO youngest daughter today. My second year of having only one student. My hats are off to those mothers with so many students to school in a day. I am slightly weary and worn around the edges this afternoon. I am taking a break from school instruction, laundry and household duties to post. I have a pretty teacup that Claire gave me setting by my side of freshly brewed tea with a dollop of "our honey" to sip for refreshment.

By seventh grade the holes in your child's academic record becomes more obvious, and a carefully laid out plan to remedy and close some of the gaps are devised. So much easier to speak about, but very difficult to bring about I must confess. I remember those days when my children were toddlers, the consistent discipline needed to  get them to obey was trying to the utmost, but promised to garner fruit in the end. The same principles are applied to schooling.

We will eat an early supper because ballet lessons begin tonight from 6-8. I think 7:00 is a perfect time for dinner, but 8:00 is simply too late to have a body digest a big meal and have a reasonable bedtime. I might just sit outside at the our local Food Coop and read, knit and do geography lesson plans for tomorrow. Or I might take my laptop and catch up reading some of my favorite blogs. Oh, the possibilities!

"Then let us all do what is right, 
strive with all our might toward the unattainable,
develop as fully as we can the gifts God has given us,
and never stop learning."

                        honey harvest

I hope your day went well!

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...