Thursday, August 22, 2024

my reading list

"The world was hers for the reading"

           Betty Smith A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

I still take the time to create an annual reading list. There are two parts to this, the pursuit of good books to read and the pleasure of reading them. I recently read that if you would read 10 pages a day then you would have read 15 books(adult-size) in a year likewise 20 pages a day would add to up to 30 books a year. 

In order to keep my reading varied I choose certain genres of books.

Here is the much belated Reading List for 2024.  I find the summer months are a good time to assess how I am accomplishing this self-imposed reading assignment.

*19th Century Classic: Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen

 While I have read several Jane Austen books in the past and I    am well-familiarized with P&P, still I had never actually sat down and read it cover to cover.

*20th Century Classic: East of Eden John Steinback

*Mystery: At Bertram's Hotel Agatha Christie

*Biography: No One Gardens Alone A life of Elizabeth Lawrence        Emily Herring Wilson

*Christian Non-Fiction: Gentle and Lowly Dane Ortlund

*Childrens' Classic: Anne and the House of Dreams     L.M.Montgomery 

*Novel in Translation: Dawn Elie Wiesel

*Modern Novel: The Homecoming Kate Morton

*Re-Read: Stepping Heavenward Elizabeth Prentiss

*A Charles Dickens Novel: A Tale of Two Cities

I also realized just this year I had never actually read a Charles Dickens novel, though I have read and even studied parts of his writings. Alan recommended this one as a "primer". At first I had to acclimate myself to his way of writing. He had many characters and would call the same person another name from time to time. How wearisome! If I did not have bibliophile tenacity I might have possibly given up in the middle. But as I continued on I got hooked on the story and could not put the book down! I am looking forward to reading another novel by Dickens next year.

And I do read several other books not on this list throughout the year because this list is not long enough by far for my reading. And you never know when someone will introduce you to a new book. 

What good books have you been reading this year? 

"The whole world was opened to me 

when I learned to read."

                                                                       Mary McLeod Bethune




once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...