Thursday, March 6, 2014


Outside my window... sleet falling, making me feel as if I am in a pinball machine

I am thinking...about the Amazon order of Lenten books I placed recently, waiting

I am thankful...we were able to bundle up and take a walk outside earlier

I am baking...wheat bread, the smell of freshly baked bread is wonderfully delicious!

I am learning...the spiritual as well as physical disciplines of fasting

In the kitchen...lentil soup, served with a sprinkle of rosemary salt and a dash of balsamic vinegar

I am creating...a scrapbook of Rose's life, almost eighteen years of living memories

I am reading...Bread and Wine (Readings for Lent and Easter), and A Different Sun by Elaine Neil Orr

I am be able to sow my lettuce seeds soon

I am afghan in sherbet colors for Charlotte's bed

I am embroidering...a tea cozy, involving some!

Around the house...a lick and a promise, and the refrigerator needs cleaning

This afternoon...a pot of tea, reading a Sower series book of Issac Newton's life, and a game of Guess Who.

"It is in the laboratory of life that our initial consecration to Christ is tested, proven, and demonstrated in daily, moment-by-moment choices and responses, as we surrender to the sovereignty and will of God."
~Nancy Leigh DeMoss

I have seen this idea of a daybook for several years, today seemed like a good day to post in like manner. 

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...