Tuesday, December 16, 2008


On the ninth day before Christmas.....

My husband and I finally went Christmas shopping, even if the night was cool and rainy.

Sensibility is the key to Christmas gift giving, so while our children do receive gifts from us, it is done in moderation. We always like to think about the three gifts Baby Jesus was given by the Wisemen and try to stay with that same idea when buying Christmas presents for our children.

My younger children watch very little TV so they are not as savvy about what the commercials and ads are attempting to ignite as the "wanta and gotta have monster". Of course, they do not live in a vacuum either, so choosing gifts they would like to have and of which they know we will approve is done without any difficulty whatsoever.

Just in case you are wondering, the carolers sit atop my piano in the living room. At one per year it took us six years to complete our collection. They make me smile and that's reason enough to pull them out every December.

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...