Monday, February 24, 2020

winter knitting

"After supper they went into the sitting-room. It was warm enough to do without a fire and they settled themselves in the bay window, with a table between them for Lutkin's knitting..."
Landscape inn Sunlight
Elizabeth Fair

Back in early October I began a knitting project with the zeal that any new pattern and yarn summons after a planned visit to a yarn store.  The weather was graciously moderate as Octobers always are in our southern climate and winter calling as only a future impression of mindful preparedness. There were several things that drew me to choosing this pattern,  a simple enough pattern yet  including a 38 stitch cable band with a 32 row repeat.

For me this translates into a project that doesn't work as as carry-along project, but instead it requires having a pattern board at hand, and close attention to my knitting. This makes for a perfect match as my husband and I decided to pull out our BBC DVD's of All Creatures Great and Small.  The last time we watched this wonderful series was during the winter of 2014, and these absolutely well-done movies (1980 TV series) have proven as delightful as always. The wrap has been growing alarmingly long, it blankets my legs as I knit which is certainly an added bonus on cool evenings. I've knitted the (76 1/2  inch) length and now all that is needed is the addition of the side band.

I certainly am not a fair predictor of the spring weather, yet I do know there have been wintry March days, and with the hope of wearing this wrap in 2020 I can hold onto the remembrance of another  knitting project that allowed a late winter/early spring adornment. Joy!

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...