Monday, October 14, 2024

the marvel of a grape harvest

I rounded the corner into the kitchen bright and early, but not too early as breakfast had been eaten and a load of clothes were already washing. That bucket of grapes was haunting me and the little fruit flies were beginning their flight, the aroma was too sweet even for them to resist.

It was a grape jelly making day.

I wish you were here to taste its sweet fruitiness on a buttermilk biscuit! 

I am also canning some of the juice from the five pounds of grapes I was given. I discovered how simple it was. 
 Basically, after making the juice from the grapes you heavily strain it. The juice is then heated to 190 degrees and poured into the canning jars to process in a hot water bath for 5 minutes. 
 I used purple Muscadine grapes. No extra sugar needed.

praise Him all you people

Despite what is going on in our nation and the world His people will continue to worship Him. "One generation shall praise Thy works to...