Friday, April 3, 2009

An enlightened moment

As Holy Week is rapidly approaching I am consciously preparing myself to be drawn into the passion of next week's celebration events. Also looking for ways to draw my children that they too may grasp the eternal truths. We began with a study of Passover as recorded in Exodus 12.

Sitting in the warmth of the morning's sunshine, Bibles opened in blue jean laps, reading aloud, a light comes into her eyes, "Mama, the blood, the doorposts, the cross........".

Yes, darling daughter...... you see.

Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things out of your law."

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...