Thursday, December 31, 2009

December Collage

During this month, concentration in the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord was our entire focus. After all He became flesh and dwelt among us(John 1:14), it is in Him we live and move and have our being( Acts 17:28), and to Him we owe everything(Romans 11:36).

First row from right:
* Perfect picture girls
*New snow-white fuzzy slippers and holiday corgi
*A gift of foggy gray fingerless mitts for a friend
*Christmas breakfast table
* Fireside romance
Second row:
* Last minute knitting projects
*Girls in the kitchen
*Creating gift tags
* Cookie cutouts
*Christmas morning delight
Third row:
*A Monday morning ladies brunch
* Christmas morning traditional foods
* Carol singalong
*Rolling in cinnamon
* Guitar worship
Fourth row:
* Ham biscuits, cheese grits and sweet breads
* Shiny icing Christmas cookies
*Precision decorating
*Krispy Kreme doughnut hats
*Corgi reindeer
Fifth row:
*All aglow
*Betrothed love
*Grandmother's vintage tablecloth
* Marriage
*Snickerdoodle balls in a row

A glimpse of this past month. Happy, busy, merry...are the days of December.

May your enjoy this last day of 2009!

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...