Daily trips to my mailbox yield invitations: College graduations, high school graduations and weddings. These are the children of my friends, or nieces and nephews. It is such a joy and thrill to see pictures of the graduates whom have grown into these lovely young men and women. Memories never cease to flash through my mind,"I remember when she was a tow-headed little girl playing in the sandbox...." or "Look how much he looks like his father.....". Then there are the wedding invitations, as varied as the brides themselves. Now I, for one , just adore weddings. I even love traditional wedding cake! Going to weddings these days are like viewing the pages of one's scrapbooks, individual yet containing all the same elements. Yes, these are the bittersweet times of life; the closing of one chapter and the opening of another.

I must close on a bighter note. Those very same invitations may bring both laughter and tears. I love how the Lord planned these changes in our lives and to those whom concern us. It makes the next stages so much more acquiescent. See the tow-headed little girl in the pink sunglasses? I am not allowing her to get any older. Not ready for those graduation and wedding invitations yet.