Saturday, January 22, 2011

mercy walk

 I bundled up to take a walk this afternoon just as the sun was hitting the point I like to familiarly call sinking fast.  I stuffed my wool hand-knitted socks into my *Merrells*, pulled a wool hat over my head, covered my hands with fingerless mitts and a pair of red gloves, and without hesitation decided my long black coat would not be a hindrance but would, in fact, be perfect to preserve body heat on this cold  Saturday in January.

My spirit became somewhat pin-pricked this afternoon, therefore, praying and walking was my remedy to restore contentment and peace. Singing songs of praise as I walked, meditating and praying His Word. Like a blanket, a magnitude of peace and grace came floating down from above and landed on me, tears of comfort welled up in my eyes. I could not think of any better place I wanted to be at that time....smack dab in His will.

be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...