Tuesday, December 13, 2011

at the stables

On the thirteenth day of December...

....we assembled a tote-a-long basket with a thermos of hot chocolate and pumpkin bread.

Upon which we headed to the stables, and while Rose rode

 Charlotte and I shared afternoon tea in Christmas mugs, naturally.

In the air there certainly wasn't a" feeling" of Christmas,

Which made sitting outside extremely comfortable for the knitting of a scarf.

And before I go I really must introduce you to Cosy.

The dangling feature out of his mouth is due to a broken jaw and makes him quite endearing, after you get over the initial shock of being a little grossed out.
He's a curious soul.
On the twelfth day of December...

...Internet services went loopy and I was not able to post.

But to give credit it was late anyway and I was rather loopy too.

But I did get snazzy with the making of black and white taffeta yo-yo's

and attaching them to red satiny hats.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...