Saturday, July 4, 2009


Since the weather has been heavenly for July, and a holiday always screams for extras, we have eaten as many meals outside as possible,

beginning with breakfast on the patio

and ending with supper in the backyard. My husband had an idea that Alaskan crab legs would be a wonderful feast last night. We worked hard for every single morsel of sweet meat.

Completed "cute" skirt just waiting for cute pink sandals to cover my bare feet. Does anyone else go barefoot during the summer?

A game of Bocce to stir up the competitive spirit just waiting on the horizon of an absolutely perfect day.

Need to scoot, we will be celebrating with dear friends tonight at our house. Typical July 4th fare.....hamburgers, hotdogs, watermelon, homemade strawberry ice cream, lemonade....

....The volley ball net is up too.....more competitive juices are flowing.

dumplings and cookies

" We'll all have chicken 'n dumplings when  she comes...." ( 4th stanza , She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountains,  ...