I figured the best way to do the cake and it was divine. I made the same moist white cake recipe and froze it so that when cut, the edges would be so much neater. They were and this fluffy new icing was heavenly too! As a special treat for the unmarried bridesmaids, there were four, I placed a little fake diamond ring in the center of one of the individual servings of cake. Traditionally, the one to find the ring in her cake would be the next bride. It just so happens the one to find it in her cake is anticipating a proposal soon!

Speaking of cakes, the bride's cake was beautiful in its simplicity. Note the hydrangeas from my bush.

Nervous Charlotte was the Flower girl. I will not go into how she finally managed to get down the aisle. I shall show her the video later, then maybe I can be brave and watch it too.

First time for everything. At my house we have certain rites of passages. One of them happens to involve coffee; you may drink coffee when you are of the age of sixteen. While at the wedding reception, Rose talked her father in allowing her to have 1/2 of a cup with sugar and lots of cream. She drank it daintly with a straw.

I know I do not have to clarify this statement, but a photographer I am not! But if I only knew how I would, because there are so many pictures in my brain that I can not capture on the camera's lens. But the lights on the table were so enchanting to my eyes.

Ah, the roses! These beauties adorned my luncheon table with their grace and romance.I wanted to give them to the mother- of- the bride to decorate her dining room table since she would have out of town guests for Sunday lunch, but Rose absolutely could not part with them and I shamefully relinquished any gracious sacrifice on my part.