Thursday, October 29, 2009

This day tempted me with its ripeness. The warm sun rays, the balmy temperatures and the crackling leaves under my feet as a table was set outside for supper.

A fat pumpkin and a collection of red maple leaves added the essence of this season.

A quiche made with red and yellow peppers.

Plans were to read of Martin Luther and the nailing of his 95 Theses to the church door. However, the leaves sang to us and the sun painted lovely shadows as we allowed the peacefulness of such a beautiful evening to roll over us.

After darkness falls I shall read to them of this great man of the faith and how he "turned the world upside down".

be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...