Tuesday, November 8, 2022

an order of things

There have been by far a plethora of things that have made this return to country living a place of deep contentment. Of course, I had carefully planned how to begin implementing some of the things we had done years before when we lived on the farm. But this time more on a scale of what I could personally handle without the children. My husband helps me with many of the things and we have spent many hours enjoying this mini-homestead we are busily creating. Just one step at a time, orderly and sure.
Back in late August we took a purposeful trip to Tractor Supply and purchased a pre-fab henhouse and ten little chicks. Buying them simultaneously immediately jumped the henhouse construction to high level priority. Breanna, my granddaughter, helped us put it together in basically two evenings, fitting and twisting screws even in the dark.

"Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.”
 –Frank Lloyd Wright.

I began raising my little flock of egg layers on my screened-in back porch in a round baby pool surrounded by wire. This proved to be an excellent place to keep them warm under the red light and perfectly  safe from harm and any prey. 

That was many weeks ago, my chickens are now twelve weeks old and they are happy to free range for most of the day which is possible when I am home all day. On mornings that I fry or scramble eggs I anticipate  the day when I will have fresh eggs from my own flock of chickens.


at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...