Monday, March 16, 2020

a monday in march

"Monday, Monday so good to me..."

Perhaps you are familiar with the words of the song sang by the Mamas and the Papas in the 1960s?

 Mondays bring another opportunity to join up with with some of you wonderful homemakers on Sandra's Happy Homemaker Monday.

*The Weather...☁️
Today the sky is pearly white, no sun but plenty of light. Thankful I am for my warm house slippers today since the day is cooler and as I am here at home doing my Monday things.

*How I am feeling...
It is actually afternoon now, Monday morning has long gone.  I do not turn on my computer until later in the day, never first thing in the morning. Today has been one of those days of conversations, mostly through the telephone, but also conversations with visitors stopping by for one thing or another. And the conversations always managed to give the reaction everyone is having in regard to the Coronavirus. Not one of us is short on opinions concerning all the closings.

*On my mind...
The Ladies Tea my church is hosting which is scheduled for this Saturday afternoon. I am
 " in charge" so the little details are pressing on my mind here and there.

*In my handiwork basket...
I completed my cross stitch sampler on the 32 count linen fabric I began back in the fall. I must confess I had to wear reading glasses to see the small fabric squares.

*Around the house...
...Fermenting cabbage and carrots
... Several loads of laundry, since it is Monday
...Vacuuming cat hair from the cushions in the sun room

*This week's menu plans...
Monday-Sausage/onions with polenta and green salad
Tuesday- Chicken Saltimbocca with green salad
Wednesday-Pork Chop, potatoes, and broccoli

*On my camera...

Preparation for fermenting cabbage

 Jumping outside at the Art Museum last week.  Our train of thought ran something like this, if our teenage daughters could do it, than why not us?

In the book, A Praying Life, by Paul Miller, praying with the use of prayer cards is discussed in a simple, laid out manner. I have incorporated my own form of these cards into my early morning prayer time and have found it an extremely helpful method.

Joshua  Precept Bible Study for the week is in Joshua 19 and 20, the land allotments. I am finding the book of Joshua filled with life applications.

Wash your hands and carry on...

be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...