Wednesday, November 27, 2024

we give thanks

          The housewife who sets before her family on Thanksgiving Day        a  perfectly roasted goose(turkey), is an artist.

Willa Cather, 1927

Thanksgiving Eve and finally I am taking a break off my feet now to rest a spell until the next round of bustling begins in earnest, hopefully most of that being tomorrow morning. I must not give allowance for the preparations to become frenetic, therefore, I must make haste slowly...

I had made my lists days ahead of time and now I trustingly work my list. And I trying to engage my family's help whenever and wherever needed because I do need their help! 

We will have seventeen people coming together to give thanks in my dining room tomorrow afternoon and eat a traditional Thanksgiving meal, eleven adults and six children.
Roasted Turkey
My dressing is not stuffed inside the turkey, but cooked as a separate dish. I do use the drippings from the turkey for the dressing and gravy.
Cranberry Sauce
This is made with fresh cranberries, oranges, coconut sugar and honey.
Roasted root vegetables(carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes,
 turnips and onions)
Macaroni and Cheese
Claire prepares this dish with gluten free noodles.
Green Beans
Roasted Butternut Squash Salad
 Onions and butternut squash roasted in the oven and placed on a bed of green lettuce with the additions of dried cranberries, nuts, feta cheese and a vinaigrette that I must share the recipe here because it is simple to mix up and very delicious:
1/4 cup olive or avocado oil, I add a bit of both
2 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1-2 Tablespoons maple syrup
salt and pepper
Sourdough bread/rolls
For Dessivir:
Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream
Pear/apple crisp with vanilla ice cream

We certainly have much to be thankful

Happy Thanksgiving

2025 reading list

  ( This post was written during the first weeks of January. I wanted to come as close to completely composing  the 2025 Reading Challenge a...