Today I arose from my bed while it was still dark. The very first morning I managed to get out of my bed before seven o'clock since the time change. Despite my silent protest, this bi-annual event continues to throw off my rhythm seeming to askew it a wee bit and it actually takes me a couple of weeks to get it back on track. How about you?
Today I pick up the tree limbs, branches, and sticks blanketing the areas of my yard from all the winds of late.
And with a little foot shovel I dug up the copious supply of wild onions that have popped up all through my flower garden and around the hydrangea bushes. It was just as someone came along and planted them! It is approaching the time to plant soon and any prepping such as this helps.
I hosted a Tea for four friends this past Saturday afternoon.
Grace, truth and beauty feeds a soul of any age, I know this full well. These ladies were part of a prayer group reaching back thirty years until two of us moved away.
"Come along inside... and we'll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place."
Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows