Sunday, December 20, 2020

birthdays in December

 What's considered "normal" when your birthday is five days before Christmas? More than lately you will attend some other holiday event or a fancy occasion of the season. This year my dear husband's birthday was willingly shared with a piano recital held at our house. Charlotte's three students, two piano and one violin, arrived dressed in fancy party attire with the nervous anticipation of playing their two pieces in from of the parents and siblings.

He requested a pie for his birthday, chocolate or lemon. I did not have enough fresh lemons but there was plenty of cocoa powder on the pantry shelf, so a chocolate chess pie it would be. I fixed a special dinner of steak, baked potato and salad for him and it was nice to celebrate two outstanding events on this last Saturday before Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wednesday, December 16

A dear friend left her warm home on this gloomy, rainy day to make the 35 minute drive to my house. Lunch was served in the sunroom, even though there was no visible sunlight, just twinkling colored lights around the doorway and a lit kerosene lamp on the table.. A pot of hot tea was kept hot by a knitted tea cozy, and the best and by far easiest part was doing what girlfriends always do the best, we celebrated our friendship! 

We are both knitters, so of course there were patterns to compare and yarns to show as she had brought along her knitting bag in order to share her future projects.


Monday, December 14, 2020


 Hanging on the side of a kitchen cupboard by the window over my sink is a magnetic knife holder, one of those extremely handy items useful in any kitchen. I first heard about them from a Julia Child video. But let's face it, my family managed just fine before with a "knife drawer" or a knife block.

Depending on how much I use a particular knife will determine how much that knife will need sharpening. Daily use leads to daily sharpening, if you want a sharp knife to do the job. 

Which leads me to an ongoing matter of my faith being sharpened, requiring rather severe mercy at the present. There are many opportunities, however pressing and uncomfortable they may be prove to be, that are sharpening my faith right now. My faith tends to grow weary and  become limp around the edges and I must not negate a daily sharpening...and that means "to walk by faith and not sight"...which can be arduous, therefore, sharpening is absolutely necessary many times more than once in a given day.

Early this morning I began with  praise by the light of a beeswax candle. My faith was being whetted. I began to pray to the LORD God Almighty and I was immediately strengthened. I opened His Word:

 "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty for pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."    (II Corinthians 10:3-5)

Mid-morning I pulled my most favored chopping knife off 
the magnetic board and guided it though the hand-held knife sharpener, steel across steel. I had ingredients to chop for a batch of desired kimchi. The process of sharpening made the chopping rewarding, and much easier work.

Not unlike my faith walk today. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

'tis the season for gingerbread

I pulled the pan of spicy gingerbread from the oven and carefully set it on the wire rack to cool. Glancing at the clock and deciding I had just enough time to take a walk before the young people arrived for Bible Study at three, I hunted for my wool finger mitts and ear coverings. The sky arrested me in its clear blueness against the mostly bare branches of  the tallest trees. About halfway through my walk my bundled-up self had unzipped my jacket, removed my mitts and flung off my ear coverings due to the sun's warmth. I arrived back home to the delicious smell of the gingerbread and quickly whipped up a bowl of sweet cream for dolloping on the top of this seasonal treat . 

(photo credit: food network)

Thursday, December 3, 2020

December Yarn Along

 The  temptation was to title this post "Knitted Together and the Greenness of Life". Yet the post was truly intended for Ginny's December Yarn Along, so I am keeping it simple and favored as I put together this post on this bright first Wednesday in December.

                                One of the chapters of our morning's Bible reading, as Charlotte and I are reading the Bible through in its entirety once again this year, was Psalm 139. I could not help but notice that the NIV says "You knit me together in my mother's womb..." . What knitter does not feel the tangibleness of yarn and needles in hand and a picture perfect visual when the word KNIT is mentioned? It is just one of those kind of words which stirs a knitter.

                                          "For you created my inmost being: 

                                       you knit me together in my mother’s womb.


                I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

                                                                      your works are wonderful,

                                                                         I know that full well.

                               My frame was not hidden from you

                                                                     when I was made in the secret place,

                                         when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.


                              Your eyes saw my unformed body;

                                    all the days ordained for me were written in your book

                                                                  before one of them came to be. "

                                                                                   Psalm 139:13-16 

There is much to concern us in our world today, no one is not affected in some way concerning a plethora of matters. We all possess our own worldviews that have been shaped by something or someone, and in fact, these world views should shape the way we live, speak, and act. And in a land, upon which God has shed His abundant grace, makes laws that say an unborn child has no rights to live, I am grieved. I will state boldly and without excuse that abortion is deplorably wicked and is a fight worthy of a continual fight in the citizens who believe in the sanctity of life. 

Green signifies life and growth to me. This Easy Folded Poncho by Churchmouse Classics knitted in Kelbourne Woolens in a soothing mossy green color way is one of my most favorite" good things" of 2020, and I must elaborate there are many good things happening in 2020. But I will not take the time here to count all the ways I have been thankful for those ongoing good things😊.   

John Flavel makes me think hard, and it is no wonder that this present edition of his marvelous work, The Mystery of Providence, is giving me assurance of a Great God that is "even greater than (I) even thought when( I) first trusted for salvation."
And to share even more greenness, the pullover and book rest in the corner of our turnip patch.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...