Wednesday, February 2, 2011

on making beds and boiling eggs

Offense would not be taken if someone defined my life as prosaic. Because in some ways my daily routines could be truly described as such. Yet the opportunities and potential for fruitfulness is only fingers away.  To even think about trading my days doing other things creates a disconcerted edge in my soul.

In a day's work I most certainly have duties and responsibilities, but the value of the work that I do over the course of a day can be very rewarding and rich indeed. It allows for imagination and creativity beyond and back if I am so inclined to look for it.

 "Too often nowadays people feel that taking time for the ordinary everyday aspect of life and home is a waste of time."
Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
For The Family's Sake


Therefore, after having afternoon tea with my daughters comes the hand washing of a teapot. It allows breathing room in my day while gazing outside my kitchen window. If not conversing with my daughters while gently swishing the soapy water in the china teapot, I settle my mind with this simple act of ordinariness.

Quite exceptional work altogether.


The dB family said...

Beautiful! Thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer.


Anonymous said...

Ordinary and Simplicity in the Home truly are a Gift from God and a comfort to the soul :) ~Enjoy your tea ~Love Heather

crochet lady said...

A good reminder to look around and take joy in the work of a cheerful heart.

Gigi said...

What a great post! I am a huge fan of the entire Shaeffer family. And what a true and profound statement Susan makes in the quote you cited. I've been thinking about my mom's generation, and the way they lived their 'prosaic' lives with such grace -- I find their examples very encouraging & inspiring.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...