Saturday, February 12, 2011

morning sashay

An early morning in my life.

While the household sleeps, I stir from my warm bed, slipping my bare arms into a warm robe and my chilly feet into fuzzy slippers. It is dark, or maybe the beginnings of hazy light around the edges can be seen. I push the thermostat button up a notch or two and welcome its gentle whoosh as it comes on, it begins to feel warmer already.

I drink a full glass of lukewarm water mixed with Green Magma Plus while stretching with ballet-type leg stretches, body posture erect, in front of the kitchen sink. If the coffee was not preset the night before, I begin filling the coffee maker with eight cups of cold water then stuffing a brown filter into the holder and filling it with seven rounded scoops of dark roast coffee.

I make an immediate beehive to the sunroom, the most beneficial part of my day is about to begin.  Usually there is still not enough light to read by, but soon the unfolding of the day gives an ethereous display outside the glass windows. A time of praise, song, and prayer to a living GOD. I read His Word and open my journal to record whatever may be on my heart and mind that morning.

Comfortably familiar.


Anonymous said...

sounds like the beginnings of a beautiful and blessed day ~Happy Valentines ~Love Heather

crochet lady said...

Coffe in the sunroom with the Lord sounds wonderful.

Happy Valentines Day.

Hill upon Hill said...

Such sweet, calm words for me today from you as my day is a storm of tears and worry.

How do I get to have my time of quiet before the house wakes? What time do you wake?

The dB family said...

I love the days like that! It's so incredible to watch the silent sunrise, while spending time in the Word and enjoying a warming coffee.

May you be blessed!

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...