Saturday, January 22, 2011

mercy walk

 I bundled up to take a walk this afternoon just as the sun was hitting the point I like to familiarly call sinking fast.  I stuffed my wool hand-knitted socks into my *Merrells*, pulled a wool hat over my head, covered my hands with fingerless mitts and a pair of red gloves, and without hesitation decided my long black coat would not be a hindrance but would, in fact, be perfect to preserve body heat on this cold  Saturday in January.

My spirit became somewhat pin-pricked this afternoon, therefore, praying and walking was my remedy to restore contentment and peace. Singing songs of praise as I walked, meditating and praying His Word. Like a blanket, a magnitude of peace and grace came floating down from above and landed on me, tears of comfort welled up in my eyes. I could not think of any better place I wanted to be at that time....smack dab in His will.


Anonymous said...

I did this as well a few days ago. I think this is a wonderful idea. I know when something is bothering me a positive thing to do is strap on those walking shoes and walk and pray and when I come home I always feel better. Great way to allow the Lord to refresh and renew us ~Blessings I hope your walk brought health and peace to you ~Love Heather

Carolina Gal said...

I walk on my treadmill and pray. Not as much to see as your walk, but I don't have a great area for walking around here.
As you are caring for a loved one, these times become so important. A renewing and refreshing of your spirit is just what is needed.

crochet lady said...

Walking and praying is a combination that soothes the soul.

The dB family said...

Walking is very therapeutic. Both for the body and the soul. I'm so glad it was a time a renewal and refreshment for you and that you could feel you are in His will. May the Lord continue to give you strength and comfort.

Hugs and blessings!

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...