Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter dresses

One of the familiar and special things I remember about Easter at my house when I was a child was a new outfit purchased or handsewn by my mother to be worn to church on Easter Sunday. It represented newness and special worship. I have chosen to continue this tradition with my family.

Sometime shortly after the Christmas  holidays, I will choose the fabric for Charlotte's Easter dress. In this way I plan to have several months in order to sew her dress without too much hurrying around. Since her dress this year did not involve smocking and Easter was in late April, I knew it would not need to be a rushed job. The fabric was Westminister/Free Spirit.  I used a simple pattern adaption with lots of fabric in the skirt and a cumberbund.

The same pattern was sewn in silk for lovely friend's dress by her mother, my sewing friend. 

I treasure these days of girly childhood, rummaging through the lettuce patches and running through the  green grass with their dresses hiked up or tucked under their arms for ease. 

 Like all females, they instinctly make do.


Leslie said...

Wow! You MADE that beautiful dress! I'm impressed. Great job. I just love the feminine way she pulled it up to hunt eggs. This is one of the best things about being a girl. =)

no spring chicken said...

So beautifully feminine. I love the dresses and the smiles...


crochet lady said...

Lovely dresses. We had that tradition too. My mom would often make my easter dress for me. I had a favorite one out of blue cotton with white trim and little daisies all over it. New dresses always reminded me of the newness that comes with the new life Christ offers us.

Anonymous said...

Oh how beautiful and what sweet pictures!! I just love to sew for my daughter it is such a wonderful gift to be able to do for a special little girl. ~Cute Pictures and you did a wonderful job on that dress ~Love Heather

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Charlotte's dress is so beautiful! Is that piping around the sleeves? What a lovely tradition.

I love the name of your blog. "Cherith" was a name I "made up" as a teenager and had hoped to use as a baby girl's name one day. Although I have had 6 girls, my husband hasn't liked many of my favourites so we chose new favourites together.

Hill upon Hill said...

Oh my, what beautiful dresses....what a lovely tradition.

The dB family said...

Both of the dresses are beautiful. I love how they're both made with the same pattern, but look so different. If I knew I had time, I would make all my girls some dresses yet, but time is not going to allow it I'm sure.


at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...