Wednesday, May 15, 2013

of turning seventeen, and making memories

The only surprise birthday party I ever had was when I turned seventeen. To this day I do not know how my mother kept this unexpected event such a secret, but she did. While Rose has asked me about surprise parties, somehow I find myself getting all sweaty and nervous just thinking about throwing a surprise party. More my style to plan and discuss, "What about this...and what other places do you want to see?"

We stayed on the 14th floor downtown. We visited museums and ate good food such as fried pickles and ravioli swimming in a roasted red pepper cream sauce.

We each had our favorite part.

Then we came home to no birthday cake (after all the birthday cake baker was away),  but what we did have was friends and family....and seventeen candles on ice cream sundaes!

Happy 17th Birthday my sweet Rose.
You surprise me for the good on most days...


no spring chicken said...

Happy birthday to your Rose! Beautiful girl looks an awful lot like her mama. What a fun thing to do. Just mama daughter time and interesting things to experience. My mother, sister and I for years after my first was born had the tradition of what we called our girl's trip. We'd pick a weekend between April and May each year (between our birthdays) and spend the it somewhere new in Oregon. It was so much fun and there are so many diverse things to see and do. We stopped when our daughters began to hit an age when it seemed hard to exclude them. There were just too many of us to keep the trip affordable. I think we'll start again as soon as Audrey graduates. Of course then my girls and I will have to start a tradition of our own. :)

Blessings, Debbie

Leslie said...

I was thinking that Rose looks like you, too! She is very pretty. What a fun way to celebrate!

The dB family said...

Happy Birthday, beautiful Rose! Sounds like it was a very special time.


at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...