Tuesday, March 11, 2014

living with the ghost of Putter

There are several kernels of popcorn laying on my den's floor, the room in which we watch movies and eat popcorn. That popcorn would have been snatched up and never for even a minute had a chance if Mr. Putter was  around.

I never expected to miss him so much. Sometimes I hear him in my mind coming down the stairs, his nails tapping on the hardwood floor. It's sad. Some things I will never miss about Mr. Putter, but those things that I do miss hurt deeply at times. But most of all I hurt for my daughter, who had a magnanimous love for him.

His memory lives on.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Outside my window... sleet falling, making me feel as if I am in a pinball machine

I am thinking...about the Amazon order of Lenten books I placed recently, waiting

I am thankful...we were able to bundle up and take a walk outside earlier

I am baking...wheat bread, the smell of freshly baked bread is wonderfully delicious!

I am learning...the spiritual as well as physical disciplines of fasting

In the kitchen...lentil soup, served with a sprinkle of rosemary salt and a dash of balsamic vinegar

I am creating...a scrapbook of Rose's life, almost eighteen years of living memories

I am reading...Bread and Wine (Readings for Lent and Easter), and A Different Sun by Elaine Neil Orr

I am hoping...to be able to sow my lettuce seeds soon

I am crocheting...an afghan in sherbet colors for Charlotte's bed

I am embroidering...a tea cozy, involving some appliqueing...fun!

Around the house...a lick and a promise, and the refrigerator needs cleaning

This afternoon...a pot of tea, reading a Sower series book of Issac Newton's life, and a game of Guess Who.

"It is in the laboratory of life that our initial consecration to Christ is tested, proven, and demonstrated in daily, moment-by-moment choices and responses, as we surrender to the sovereignty and will of God."
~Nancy Leigh DeMoss

I have seen this idea of a daybook for several years, today seemed like a good day to post in like manner. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

he is home!

We are all safely gathered in now.

 We left early with a backdrop of midnight blue skies surrounded by huge transfer trucks traveling the icy roads with us as we headed to the airport.

                                                                       April 2013
He left on a warm day in late April. I still remember the tug in my heart as I watched him walk down the airport stairs to embark upon a journey that would take him thousands of miles away for many months.

                                                                      March 2014
His only request was that we not feed him rice for a while.

Monday, March 3, 2014

more birds and a poem

A winter poem echoing simplicity, since winter desires to linger and hold on tight.

                                              Bread and milk for Breakfast,
                                              A woolen frock to wear,
                                              And a crumb for robin redbreast
                                              on the cold days of the year.

~Christina G. Rossetti

The faithful and stout robin redbreast is the bird in our area that reappears in late January to remind us spring is just around the corner. Charlotte looked outside this afternoon and exclaimed,
"Oh, my goodness, look at all the robins!" Our yard was dotted with about one-half dozen or more. So even though spring might seem very distant with today's cold, it is on its way.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...