Thursday, January 28, 2016


I joined a bridge club this past summer. I am finding that bridge is suffering from a lack of youth these days.  Unless the next generation's interest can be piqued to learn how to play bridge, the bridge games and clubs of yesterday might just fade away. A wonderful group of ladies welcomed me into their club and are patiently teaching me the fun and challenge of playing bridge. I do find it challenging, therefore the brain stimulation is excellent for me. We meet one Thursday afternoon a month and play for about two hours. Finally, I am the youngest one in a group again!

And we picked Alan up from the airport last night! He has been living in Taiwan for the past 21 months. I am truly grateful for technology allowing us to "see" him regularly. He is taking an afternoon nap at the present. His schedule will be off for a couple of days until jet lag has been conquered. For two whole weeks he will be with us!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

P for pink and promises

There is a whole lot of pink going on around my house these days.  Knitting a newborn-sized sweater for my first grandchild who is expected to arrive in early March, and relishing His promises of one generation commending His works to another.

The pattern for this sweater was found here on Ravelry.  I have yet to read anything by Elisabeth Elliot that isn't beneficial for the soul, heart and mind. The Music of His Promises is a book written with short excerpts regarding His many promises. I believe our postmodern world has made us callused from "standing" on God's promises in everyday life. By neglecting God's promises or even living them lightly, our spiritual walk might be hindered stirring up unbelief and distrust rather than a strong faith and trust that declares His promises according to His Word. May we be like the father of the boy with the evil spirit who exclaimed, "I believe; help my unbelief". (Mark 9:24)

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all he has made."
Psalm 145:13

Join a special group of knitters and readers at Ginny's Yarn along.

Monday, January 25, 2016

sewing by the light of the window

Sitting in my sewing room by the curtainless window, I am given a clear abundance of light to sew by during the mornings and into the afternoon. With needle in hand I apply black piping, stitch ten buttonholes, and sew on ten black-covered buttons to a 1860's dress.

  The making of this dress was began in the fall and actually, it was Little Women inspired. Charlotte and I will fix a pot of tea on some afternoons and will sit in the living room and take turns reading together. This is delightful reading, the revisiting of this beautiful novel as an adult engages me even more so than when I read it as a child.

     "Go on with your work as usual, for work is a blessed solace. Hope and keep busy..."
                                                                                                              from Little Women

I am also sewing a melange of other *things* of which I will share soon!
 Remember, hope and keep busy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

my sweet creature and a yarn along

Knitting and reading in January fits, much like a horse and carriage, tea and honey, grilled cheese sandwich and tomato get the idea. What pleasure to share one of my knitting and reading ventures on this Wednesday in January at Ginny's Yarn along.

Two Januarys ago, and all the way into spring, my husband and I watched the series All Creatures Great and Small (1978-1990). We absolutely loved it! From used book library sales I was able to purchase this book and its companion, All things Wise and Wonderful. What an engaging treat to read James Herriot's stories of his life as a vet in the Yorkshire Dales of England. These tales of his true to life vet practice beginning in the 1930's are heartwarming, witty, and makes one wish for the characters to come knocking on your door so you could meet them.

I am knitting a charcoal gray vest in this pattern. Because I am knitting and sewing on so many other projects (does anyone else have scattered projects galore?), it seems to be slow going at the present. But I do like to pick it up from time to time, and I take great store in believing I will enjoy wearing it when it is finished.

When Serena, one of my small creatures, moseyed into the sun room this January morning, and ensconced herself amongst my knitting with the book's title in full display, I thought it was a picture perfect scene.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

eating my winter porridge...

My most favorite winter morning offerings, porridge with blueberries, a ruby-red grapefruit, a glass of whole milk, and His Word.

If I have mentioned before how to prepare the most yummy tasting healthy porridge, must allow me a moment to repeat it here and you can thank me later.

1 cup oatmeal
1 cup water, preferably filtered
1-2 Tablespoons whey
 Soak overnight, or at least 7 hours.
The next morning, add 1 cup water and a 1/2 teaspoon salt  with soaked oats, cook until done. It does not take long, so breakfast is on the table lickety-split!

Now, for some good things to know, you may use yogurt or buttermilk in place of whey. If you have a dairy issue, lemon juice or vinegar  works well too. I love to add about a tablespoon of butter, organic blueberries, and a fine drizzle of maple syrup, while Charlotte prefers home canned peaches in her porridge. Truly, just use your imagination and go for it.

be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...