Tuesday, January 24, 2023

mid January

The woods were calling me with exceptional clarity today. The day was beautiful, cool yet not cold. But besides this I had something very important on my mind  too that I wanted to do, the writing of a letter to my  dear friend.

I packed a little bag with my stationery, a pen, a hard quote book for a mini "wood desk", binoculars, hot thermos of tea and a cookie. Off I strode on the paths that people and deer share.

Since the rocks at the creek in front of the rock dam were exposed enough, I forded the creek to the other side. A favorite place I do not walk often, but it was lovely to go uphill a bit and find a fallen log to sit atop and pen my letter. The tall stately pine trees were singing as the gentle breeze swayed them back and forth. Back before Charlotte left  for college we took a walk together and the conversation centered on the sounds of nature and how we can understand that everything heaven and nature sings of our great God.

Even though I had carried along some binoculars, no birds were spotted mainly because I was so busy with my letter writing. For a wee bit of time I was transferred into a wide space of forest, blue sky and a leafy carpet  which are perfect backdrops for the mindfulness of writing a letter.
This stationery was found during the move. Now I am talking junior high school days here...Look at the words printed on it.😊

"Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find them."

Friday, January 20, 2023

first through the fifth day of Christmas

1) Hurry. Because Christmas was on Sunday that meant we went to church that morning.  Some of my older children are making their own traditions and invited us which was wonderful. Therefore, the day seemed to be more hurried than usual. But we worshipped Jesus and we celebrated His birth and we feasted merrily.

2) Puzzle. This in- between holiday span gives ample time to spend  putting together a puzzle. I was thrilled to find this particular puzzle of hand stitching.

3) Crash. Charlotte was on her way to Pennsylvania to visit her boyfriend and she crashed into the back of another car. Everyone was okay and we are so very thankful!  But sadly her car is not okay and her plans had to change with great disappointment.

4) Abruptly. Our plans changed this day because Charlotte's boyfriend worked it out so she could still go and visit with his family for a few days. This guy is a keeper, always going the extra mile for the girl he cares for and is wooing.We drove through the Shenandoah mountains for several hours to meet up with him in New Market, Virginia. It was our entire day, but we were so happy to do it for them.

 5) Refreshment. The is what it seems I needed after my walk, so I came inside and ate a Christmas cookie alongside a  glass of milk. I might regret it later, but  at the time I did enjoy it. We bake less cookies and sweets every year and sadly I do end up throwing some of the ones we do manage to bake into the trash can, but I also do my fair part in eating those I do eat without guilt.

I would have loved to have continue on with my twelve days of Christmas but the days activities and duties did not give any breaks to do so. But I do hope the entirety of your days of Christmas were full of Christ and His strength though the good and not so good times. 


once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...