Thursday, January 1, 2009

Fortunate indeed we were to drive by this covered bridge, the oldest in Pennsylvania.

Finding interesting places to eat was one of my jobs. I reasoned because we must eat anyway why not make it memorably memorable. Taverns can always be relied upon to give character and feeling. Another candlelight meal which was needed even during the afternoon because this room was located downstairs, no windows, but a copious amount of charm and coziness oozed from every seam.

It was getting close to dusk when we finally met success by finding our state's monument on the battlefields at Gettysburg. Yes, it was a different war, but we decided since we had traveled this far we would jump ahead 70+ years in history. The day spent here was very sobering, so much American bloodshed.

Returning home to one last night of "Christmas" at home with all the home lights brightly burning. All this emblazonment along with the tree, wreaths, garlands, bows and seasonal decorations were taken down today, securely packed and carried up into the attic to be stored away until next year.

New beginnings with 2009 at my doorstep. I am gratefully content.

1 comment:

Hill upon Hill said...

So you were away for Christmas? Your photo's are lovely. Nice to see a lovely photo of you, also your children and husband. My decorations are still up; "Tut!". Hopefully they will be down by Sunday. We will start going to our new church this Sunday....

late october fun times

This is a neat birthday story.  To call our firstborn a beloved son as well as a friend is a privilege we do not take lightly. We are greatl...