Friday, February 20, 2009

Crackers and Crumbs

There is an old Shirley Temple movie appropriately called "Curly Top" in which she plays a gusty orphan and one of my favorites parts is her singing "Animal Crackers in my Soup". I can not eat crackers in my soup without this song reverberating through my mind. How delightful!

"Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh, O Gee But I have fun
Swallowing animals one by one."

For lunch on this blustery day that has turncoat and given us winter once again, I made chicken noodle soup. Of course without a doubt, I put crackers in my soup ( plain saltines are my preferred choice).

What about you put crackers in your soup?

Now as for an afterthought crumb on this Friday, I must make a statement about laundry. It is frankly daily and I am truly thankful for my constant appliances that make this duty so much easier. After all I have read those Little House on the Prairie books regarding their laundry days. I once heard a woman of three teenage sons declare she would not have any problems if she did not have dirty laundry. As a young mother of one little one, all I could do was chuckle. I do not chuckle on the same level these days. And to make it even more interesting and complicated, I have older children that come back with their dirty laundry....loads and loads of dirty laundry.... and have Laundromat Day at my house. But their distinct idea of doing laundry is as far as the east is from the west from my grounded idea. Consequently, for the past two days I have lived with dirty clothes all over my laundry room floor. It is time to make a judgment here.....I will be For Hire to do laundry, if and only if the laundry is dropped off on designated days and it must by no means be more than a week's worth of laundry.....Good. Now that I have that all straight.......

Why must one have such a large supply of Shout? I counted four bottles! Dirty, dirty laundry needs, I presume.


PAK ART said...

very funny post. Been there, done that. I don't mind housework so much, but it's never done. As soon as you finish one thing the other has to be repeated. I would like my laundry to stay "done" for more than a day. I too remind myself that pioneer woman had to heat water in a pan to do dishes, all I have to do is load the dishwasher. Putting it into perspective helps.

crochet lady said...

I think it must be a given for women to cringe at the word laundry, it seems to be my never ending nemis too. (Sigh, Sigh)

Oh, well. I find myself saying a prayer of thanks for my wonderful machines also. I would otherwise spend all day on the task.

On the subject of crackers. I do like to have crackers with soup. Saltines are my favorite too. I splurge a little and butter mine.

I don't think I have ever seen that Shirley Temple movie, that sounds like such a cute song. I liked her in The Little Princess.

Hill upon Hill said...

I love Shirley Temple movies. I can hear her singing that song. We don't put crackers in our soup, rather we dip bread in ours.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...