Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A New Summer Dress for Charlotte

Children's Corner Mary De pattern, minus the smocked front, became a dress sewn up for Charlotte in a pink floral cotton.

Aqua gingham piping and yo yo added an unprecedented touch. At least twice my husband commented, "What a pretty dress". When your Daddy acknowledges feminine appeal one must take notice and smile.


crochet lady said...

So cute. Charlotte is a blessed little girl to have such a talented momma.

I did figure out the linked posts. Thanks so much for your help!

jan said...

She is adorable! The dress is cute too. :-)

Karen said...

Charlotte looks precious in her new dress! I especially love the material. "Sew" feminine. ;o)
Our girls love it when their Daddy notices the care they take in being young women.

Felicia said...

How sweet.!! Charlotte looks super duper cute and adorable in her new summer dress. I just love that dress...

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...